Free Training
Another gift from me to you. A free, 30-minute video training on Observations, Assessments, and Portfolios! Visit the Free Training page to access the video, handout, and certificate. Enjoy!
Description:There are a variety of valid and reliable ways to assess children’s progress without standardized tests. Observations and documentations of children during free play can assist with assessments and help measure growth and progress. Explore various settings and methods to watch and document children’s actions to help create portfolios as a means of collecting evidence of learning. Create an action plan to implement these systems into your classrooms and learn tips on sharing them with parents and other stakeholders.
Please note: This is a video training featuring Stacy Benge. Participant agrees to provide certificate in good faith of completing all of the required components. It is up to participant to add any additional information needed to meet standards of regulating agencies. It is recommended to complete the suggested reflection questions provided as well as attach a copy of handout notes to the certificate. Responsibility of certificate validity relies on participant. Stacy Benge is not responsible for any fraudulent or misuse of certificates.